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Thirsting to go deeper in your friendship with Christ?
The Catholic Discipleship College offers a radical way of life centred on the
Word of God and the Holy Eucharist.
Pray and search for the truth alongside other young people
CDC students study theology, philosophy and scripture under gifted teachers.
Immerse yourself in the beauty of the Catholic faith
CDC is a nine month, live-in experience,
awakening and transforming the mind and heart.
CDC 2020
Unfortunately Catholic Discipleship College will not have a student community in 2020.
If you have any questions, please email
"Nine months that you will definitely not forget or regret. It takes a lot to give up nine months away from your normal life to go deeper in your faith, but whatever you sacrifice for Christ, He'll always give it back in abundance. There's so much that Christ has to give you if you listen to His calling."
Taya Regino, Alumni Student 2016
"I attended CDC in 2010 and I'm still discovering new fruit from my year there. It was a year when I was able to just soak in God and I can see now that He took the opportunity to shape me - to make me someone who wants more of Him! Undoubtedly, my year at CDC was the best foundation I could have had for my faith and ongoing ministry."
Thomas Saywell, Alumni Student 2010
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